For more information contact Entec Health Sales on +44 (0) 7917 007859


Entec Health and Wounds UK announce collaboration on Wound Care Buddy App

Wounds UK are delighted to announce that they will be supporting the Wound Care Buddy App, a new mobile app launched by Entec Health Limited.

Entec Health and Wounds UK share a mission to promote best practice in wound care, through a variety of innovative and accessible resources.

The Wound Care Buddy App is a new cloud-based service developed and hosted by Entec Health. This platform allows organisations to tailor their own content providing fast and easy access to their organisation’s wound management guidelines and formulary product listing on mobile devices at the point of care.

New WCB hand image-2Wound Care Buddy App - Sample Home Screen

© Entec Health Limited

Watch the Wound Care Buddy App video here

Wounds UK are pleased to be supporting the introduction and availability of the App which embraces the advantages of digital health to facilitate standardised care and enhanced outcomes.

Rob Yates, Managing Director, Wounds UK said “The team at Wounds UK have been impressed by the technology developed by Entec Health. For us, it was clear to see the clinical and practical benefits that the Wound Care Buddy App offers clinical staff and service providers. We are therefore very pleased to be supporting Entec Health in this exciting venture and look forward to facilitating its wider use and adoption around the UK.”

The App is aimed at supporting the multi-disciplinary team at the forefront of wound care services, including TVNs, District Nurses, Practice Nurses and Link Nurses.

The Wound Care Buddy App offers several benefits:

  • equips and empowers wound care teams to achieve consistency, best practice and compliance with formulary
  • increases efficiency and independence of nursing staff as essential information is available instantly when treating patients
  • generates insightful analytics to demonstrate user engagement by content area
The Wound Care Buddy App is available for purchase by organisations, as an enterprise solution. Users are issued with a licence key once the client account is set up.

Achala Patel, Managing Director, Entec Health added “I am very excited to have Wounds UK supporting the Wound Care Buddy App. Wounds UK is one of the most respected organisations in the sector for professional education. Entec Health is proud to work with Wounds UK to put innovation in the hands of health professionals, to enable better ways of working and support advances in patient care.”

Read about Hounslow & Richmond Community NHS Trust’s successful implementation of the Wound Care Buddy App

Contact Entec Health for further details:


Visit Wound Care Buddy App website

Copyright Wound Care Buddy App © Entec Health Limited April 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Introducing the New Generation of Silhouette digital wound assessment solutions

Entec Health is excited to present the New Generation of Silhouette, featuring SilhouetteStar2, SilhouetteLite+ and SilhouetteLite. The new Silhouette suite enables wound care specialists to assess patient wound outcomes in a range of care settings using digital wound imaging with the option of 3D or 2D wound measurement.

The wound data collected by the Silhouette devices is synchronised with a centrally hosted database, SilhouetteCentral. SilhouetteCentral is a web-based application and can be accessed remotely when a secure network connection is available. The point of care wound assessment device options include the SilhouetteStar2 3D measurement wireless camera, SilhouetteLite+ Application and 2D measurement Sensor for iPad/iPhone and the SilhouetteLite App for iOS devices.


Watch the Silhouette New Generation Suite video to learn more 


Silhouette New Generation overview video

To learn more, head to our Silhouette New Generation webpage to watch our video demonstrations

The Silhouette solution offers the following benefits to NHS Trusts and other healthcare providers: 

  • Fast, easy, objective wound assessment at the point of care
  • Supports outcomes-led practice for integrated, multi-disciplinary care of patients
  • Enables organisations to empower and equip clinicians to achieve improvements in wound outcomes, safety, patient experience and cost effectiveness
Email us at to book a call to discuss your wound care service development plans and how we can help. 

Silhouette is a registered trademark of ARANZ Healthcare Limited

Hounslow and Richmond Trust wins JCN Award for adopting the Wound Care Buddy App

The Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) has announced Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) as winners in Outstanding Practice in Wound Care for successful implementation of the Wound Care Buddy App for their district nurses. This follows a successful collaboration between HRCH and Entec Health Limited, the company behind the Wound Care Buddy App. 

 Watch the Wound Care Buddy App virtual tour here

The Wound Care Buddy App enables healthcare professionals to access their organisation’s wound management guidelines and formulary product listing, on mobile devices at the point of care, to support standardised care and best practice.

Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust has become the first organisation in the NHS to adopt the Wound Care Buddy App as a part of their commitment to enabling their nurses to deliver the best patient care possible. The Wound Care Buddy App has been very well received at the Trust. There has been positive impact for the Tissue Viability Nursing (TVN) team and District Nurses, helping staff to access essential information rapidly when needed and to use their time more effectively. Previously, if district nurses required specialist information at the point of care, they would have to contact a Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN) over the phone, which proved to be an ineffective method, as in some cases the TVN nurses may have called back after district nurses had left the patient's home.


"The TVN team is now receiving fewer calls about basic wound care advice as district nurses can find the information when needed"
Lillah Irwin, Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse - Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust


Photo 09-02-2018, 16 01 48_preview

Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust team from left, Yomi Ogunsola, Amritpal Mangat, Lillah Irwin

and Entec Health Managing Director, Achala Patel

The team at HRCH are extremely passionate about digital health care and are continuously seeking innovative systems to support their tissue viability service and district nurses in delivering the best care possible.This prestigious JCN Award for Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust recognises the Trust’s ability to innovate how their staff deliver excellence in wound care.The HRCH management team has also found the anonymised analytics generated by the Wound Care Buddy App very useful in tracking uptake of the App and user visits per screen. This has given HRCH invaluable insights on the information that their district nurses are seeking out to support patient care. 


"Analytics such as users per month and screen views is helping us understand what information is regularly being accessed and demonstrating active use of the Trust's Wound Management Formulary"

Yomi Ogunsola, Adult Community Services Manager - Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust


Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 15.14.46Example: Anonymised User Analytics displaying screen views and users per month, giving NHS Trusts an insight on what information is being accessed on the Wound Care Buddy App


“The Wound Care Buddy App was developed with the support of leading, expert UK practitioners. I am proud to see Entec Health launching this solution and making an impact by empowering nurses with more  confidence and independence to follow Trust wound management guidelines and formulary policy. ” 

Achala Patel, Managing Director - Entec Health

To download the Wound Care Buddy App Brochure please click here

  Book a call to find out more


Entec Health wound tech website has a Spring makeover

We are excited to announce the launch of a fresh new website, packed with the latest information on our exciting digital healthcare portfolio for wound management and diabetes foot care

As a health tech innovation company, we passionately believe that technology has the ability to positively impact healthcare, which is why it’s a top priority for us to share the latest news and know-how with healthcare innovators.

New Home Screen for

Watch our virtual tour of the Wound Care Buddy App, an exciting new solution for management of wound care formularies, the digital way.

Check out Silhouette feature on BBC East Midlands Today, to see how the digital wound imaging technology is paving the way for improved care of patients with diabetes foot ulcers.


Have a sneak preview of our new website here


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Take a look at what’s new

Entec Health specialises in digital healthcare technology and transformation solutions to help reduce variation in wound outcomes.

Visit Entec Health

Want to arrange a conversation with us? Please message us at


Entec Health and collaboration partners finalists for HSJ Partnership Awards 2018


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The Diabetes Foot Care Innovation team at The HSJ Partnership Awards Night, London, 8 March 2018

The Health Service Journal (HSJ) has announced Entec Health and its collaboration partners as finalists for the best innovation in medical technology category. This recognition is for the novel 3D digital wound assessment technology, Silhouette®, which is enabling effective care of patients with diabetes foot ulceration within acute and community settings.

The Silhouette 3D measurement technology accurately maps ulcer size, progress and response to treatment. The system allows accurate assessment of foot ulcers at the point of care, together with remote access to progress data in real time for all members of the care team.

The significant milestone of being recognised as finalists, comes after successful adoption of Silhouette by Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts and Derbyshire Community Healthcare Services NHS Trust, where staff and patient feedback has been extremely positive. 

The initiative has been funded and supported by East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN).

Silhouette has enabled care closer to home for the Southern Derbyshire integrated diabetes foot care pathway. Being seen in the community means reducing the number of outpatient appointments taking place at the hospital out-patient clinic; freeing up time for patients and making it easier to attend appointments.

“I am delighted for Entec Health to be a finalist for the 2018 HSJ Partnership Awards. This is welcome recognition for the tremendous collaboration with our NHS partners,  a Diabetes Innovation project supported by EMAHSN. Congratulations and well done to the team for developing and launching a new model of diabetes foot care in Southern Derbyshire, enabled by Silhouette. Great to see everyone’s effort and commitment to go the extra mile acknowledged.” Achala Patel, Managing Director, Entec Health

You can see more on the project and Silhouette technology in this BBC East Midlands Today news report:

 Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 14.33.04.pngSilhouette on the news © BBC East Midlands Today

As a result of implementing the Silhouette system, we have been able to safely transfer an increasing portion of patients for treatment in community clinics and have improved waiting times in our out-patient clinic. Importantly, patients are happy with the new model of care. In a survey following introduction of digital ulcer assessment, 71% of patients reported a greater confidence in the care they had received. We are using the Silhouette system to generate automated reports for the GPs which has led to efficiencies and a significant reduction in administration burden for the clinic.”

Professor Fran Game, Consultant Diabetologist, Clinical Director R&D, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Download the EMAHSN Impact Report here

Contact to request the EMAHSN Diabetes Foot Digital Solution Business Case.

­­­With 6,000 patients with diabetes needing leg, foot or toe amputations per year, the total NHS spend on ulceration/ amputation is an estimated £651 million, in England. It is widely reported amputation and ulceration can be avoided if proper care is taken at an early stage. NDFA Exec Report 2014 - 2016, published March 2017 

Mike Hannay, Managing Director of the EMAHSN, said: “We are delighted that the partnership with Entec Health Ltd has been recognised at national level for its innovative use of technology to improve care for patients in our region. The Silhouette project is a fantastic demonstration of moving care out of hospital and closer to home which is both welcomed by patients and more sustainable for the NHS.”

Entec Health is an appointed distributor and market partner for Silhouette in the UK. Silhouette is developed and manufactured by ARANZ Medical Limited. Find out more about the projects and further impacts here.

EMAHSN Diabetes Digital Solution Collaboration Partners

Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 15.42.20.png 

Contact Entec Health to request a Demonstration


Entec Health at CNO Summit 2017

Entec Health is delighted to be participating at the NHS England Chief Nursing Officer's Summit at Hilton Metropole Birmingham 14th and 15th March 2017.


Come and see the Entec Health team at Stand 17 where we will be showcasing:

Silhouette digital 3D wound assessment and remote wound monitoring solution

Wound Care Buddy Formulary Platform and Mobile App Solution

We are also running an Entec Health workshop on 14 March 2017 at 1pm Henley Room, 

"Strategies for reducing unwarranted variation in wound care" Entec Health_workshop_AddressingVariation_WoundCare

See Silhouette product tour video 

Get in touch

See See True Cost of Wound Care - Entec Health blog article

About the CNO Summit

The Chief Nursing Officer for England’s Summit offers an important opportunity for the senior leadership community across the nursing, midwifery and care professions to come together to explore and plan how to use the community's collective knowledge, experience and ambition to respond to and deliver on current pressures and the future design of the health and care system.

The 2017 Summit will build on the work last year when consensus was reached around what became ‘Leading Change, Adding Value: a framework for nursing, midwifery and care staff’; which was launched in May 2016.

Over 500 senior leadership delegates have registered and the CNO Summit 2017 will present a much valued opportunity to engage with peers, learn about strategies and resources and to meet with key industry partners to develop staff, deliver improvements and create new sustainable models of care. 

Visit NHS England CNO Summit 2017 website

Wound assessment - new national CQUIN Indicator




SilhouetteConnect wound assessment software screen

There is a sea-change required to help improve wound outcomes and reduce the health economic burden of patients suffering with wounds in the UK. The pivotal publication by Guest et al is a stark reminder of the gaps and the opportunities for improvement in wound management in the UK health system (1,2).

NHS England has been researching and consulting on this matter and there is a clear case made now to have a strong focus on wound assessment and wound outcomes delivered by providers, as apposed to activity-based commissioning and contracting for wound care services.

Please read on for a summary of the National CQUIN Indicators and specific details on the wound assessment CQUIN goal set for 2017-2019 for community providers.

Overview - Headlines from NHS England CQUIN scheme announced for 2017-2019 (3)

The CQUIN scheme (The Commissioning for Quality and Innovation) is a payments framework for providers to deliver clinical quality improvements and drive transformational change.

A two year scheme has been announced for 2017-2019, to give certainty and stability on the CQUIN goals and enable health communities to focus on implementing the initiatives. (4)

The CQUIN scheme aims to support delivery of the Five Year Forward View and directly link to the NHS Mandate.

Two areas of focus are outlined in the NHS England CQUIN Guidance , extracted here (4):

“1. Clinical quality and transformational indicators - 13 indicators have been defined which aim to improve quality and outcomes for patients.

2. Supporting local areas:

  • Sustainability and Transformation Plans – reinforcing the critical role providers have in developing and implementing local STPs.
  • Local financial sustainability – encouraging providers and commissioners to work together to achieve financial balance and to complement the introduction of system control totals at STP level. “

The National CQUIN Indicators for 2017-2019 (4)

National Indicators Table_extract.png

Details of Wound Assessment CQUIN for Community Providers (5)

Indicator name: Improving the assessment of wounds

Indicator weighting (% of CQUIN scheme available)         0.25%

Description of indicator: The indicator aims to increase the number of wounds which have failed to heal after 4 weeks that receive a full wound assessment.

Rationale for Wound Assessment CQUIN Indicator

Extract from Page 130 of NHS England CQUIN Indicator Specification (5):

“1/ Failure to complete a full assessment can contribute to ineffective treatment which therefore   delays the rate of wound healing for patients. This has significant consequences for patients in respect of their quality of life as failure to treat wounds correctly can lead to delays in healing or failure to heal.

2/ For providers and commissioners the delay in wound healing   relates to the resources being consumed inappropriately. Managing patients with wounds and their associated co-morbidities is estimated to cost the NHS £5.3 billion; the average cost of unhealed wounds is more than double that of healed wounds.  There is also significant variation in current practice.

3/ A recent economic evaluation of a  wound care pathway for chronic wounds demonstrates that the current pathway experienced by many patients  delivers poorer outcomes at greater cost to the commissioner – the study estimates this cost to be approximately  10 times greater.  “

Achieving Transformational Change for Wound Care Pathways

Entec Health is working with NHS Providers to develop and deliver transformation of wound care pathways, enabled with the innovative Silhouette (ARANZ Medical) digital wound assessment and information management solution. (6,7,8,9,10)

Find out more here: Download Silhouette Health Innovation Prospectus

Contact us to discuss wound care transformation

Silhouette is developed and manufactured by ARANZ Medical. Entec Health is an appointed distributor for ARANZ Medical in the UK.

References and Resources  

1/ Health economic burden that wounds impose on the National Health Service in the UK: Guest JF, et al BMJ Open 2015:5:e009283. Doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009283, View BMJ Open Article

2/ The True Cost of Wound Care, Kate Pym, Entec Health Guest Blog: See Blog

3/ NHS England CQUIN 2017-2019 Resources: See NHS England CQUIN Resources 2017-2019

4/ CQUIN 2017/19 Guidance – Publications Gateway Reference 06023 See NHS England CQUIN Resources 2017-2019

5/ CQUIN Indicator Specification – Publications Gateway Reference 06023 See NHS England CQUIN Resources 2017-2019

6/The use of electronic data capture devices in wound care settings. J.Fletcher, Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 4 Download Publication

7/ EMAHSN Diabetes Foot Digital Solution  Care Closer to Home demonstrator, enabled by Silhouette. Read more EMAHSN website

8/ Going Digital, case study of early adopter experience with Silhouette, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Diabetic Foot Clinic, London, UK. M.Bates, March 2013. Download Case Study via this page

9/ Use of novel 3D digital technology for assessment of diabetic foot ulceration. J Lucas et al, Diabetes Foot Clinic, King’s College Hospital, London, SAWC Poster Presentation April 2015 (Please request copy via author)

10/ Pressure Ulcer Management case study, Barlow Respiratory Hospital, Long Term Acute Care Facility, Los Angeles, US, October 2013, See Case Study (ARANZ Medical web page)


The True Cost of Wound Care

Paper published in the BMJ Open [1] evaluates the annual NHS cost of managing wounds and associated co-morbidities as £5.3billion– comparable to cost of obesity [2].

I find this a surprising even staggering statistic. This has not been on my radar before and I am wondering how may NHS CEOs, CCG Commissioners, Finance Directors, LA Commissioners, clinical leaders and service managers have a grasp of the true cost of wound care?


Infographic © Entec Health March 2016

If this was a paper on obesity, diabetes or mental health, I wonder if its eye-opening findings would have been so hidden from the mainstream view?  So why is wound care so often the overlooked, day-to-day service of the NHS? As a nurse-led service, the care of patients is predominantly managed within the community. Is the lack of visibility therefore as a result of wound care not being physically represented in its true volume as a full waiting room or secondary care waiting list?

Messages I took from this BMJ Open article:

  • Eye-watering cost to health care of managing wounds and associated co-morbidities at £5.30 billion per annum, which when adjusted for comorbidities still runs at £5.1 to £4.5 billion.
  • Management is predominantly nurse led and as such receives far less attention as a service
  • “Clinical and economic benefits could accrue from improved systems of care and an increased awareness of the impact that wounds impose on patients and the NHS”


Infographic © Entec Health March 2016

So does this article cover the full cost of wound care?

The paper by Guest at al [1] takes into account the cost of health professionals’ time and prescribed products, but does not include social care costs (additional support at home, home adaptations, equipment and admissions to long term care).

The paper cites “Also excluded were the costs incurred by patients taking time off work. However, patients’ mean age was >65years, so it is unlikely that many were in employment”.  I would add to this – their family are likely to be in employment, and equally likely to be taking time off work to attend clinic appointments with patients and provide unpaid care.  How many will have had to give up work entirely in order to provide full-time care? 


“Invisible” patients lost in the system? 

Posnett et al [3] concluded in 2008 that 400,000 new pressure ulcers were occurring in the UK each year, whereas Guest et al cite a prevalence of 153,000.  This is a vast difference that Guest postulates could be accounted for by management in care and nursing homes – care predominantly provided by private providers on behalf of local authorities, leaving both open to additional management costs and risk of litigation.


The price of poor management of pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers as an example, are seen as avoidable, although frequently an outcome of medical care.  Prevention of pressure ulcers is a key focus and rightly so. However, there is ample opportunity to also improve outcomes for those individuals already suffering from these painful and life-impairing wounds.  A recent request to the NHS Litigation Authority under Freedom of Information [4] has identified the cost of claims for clinical negligence associated with pressure sores from April 2010 to April 2015 is just under £19 million, with the cost of claims in the 2014/15 tax year alone exceeding £7.1 million for 172 successful claims. 

Each of these claims represents an individual person whose life has been blighted, distraught families, friends and loss of life quality.  No matter what we say about today’s litigious society, the decision to take legal action, with the time and stress involved is not an easy one.  Imagine feeling aggrieved enough to sue on behalf of yourself or your loved one.  Surely if curative actions were taken promptly, effectively, and accountably, the psychological impact of the injury could be reduced and we would hope the healing time improved.

What about the cost to social care?

Those admitted to long term care, already have a tendency towards conditions which reduce mobility and tissue viability.  Taylor et al 2010 [5] identified the following pre-existing conditions on admissions to long-term care in Oxfordshire:

Urinary incontinence                45%

Dementia                                 40%

Bowel incontinence                  34%

Depression                               25%

Visual impairment                    21%

Stroke                                      19%

Diabetes                                   17%

COPD                                       6%

Learning disability                     2%

Criteria for council funded admission for long-term care is stringent, these people already require a high level of support, add a poorly managed leg ulcer or pressure ulcer and mobility is further impacted, making the complexity and cost of management far higher.

How can we assess if money is being spent effectively on treatment?

Wound care forms part of community care provision, predominantly through district and community nursing.

The major concern over this state of affairs is that money is pouring into the service (whether sufficiently or not is another subject), without accurate outcome measurements to demonstrate if the spend, or any particular treatment is effective.

Without robust, documented evidence of outcomes achieved, there is a continued risk of lack of transparency on quality of care, cost-effectiveness and opportunities for continuous improvement.

There is an obvious duty of care to establish accountable care where each Trust/Service Provider can be confident that staff actions are  effective and delivering the best possible care to patients.  With clearer and mandatory reporting of wound outcomes we could avoid wasting time, effort and money on ineffective and often expensive treatment regimes. We can look to a future where the NHS stops relying on activity as a measurement of treatment and starts monitoring wound outcomes as a measure of effectiveness.

Practices have targeted high cost dressings in the past as a means of reducing costs, but have not addressed the need for accurate assessment, measurement and reporting  of wound progress and thereby the effectiveness of treatment.  Yes, savings have been made by centralising stock, and improved stock management, but what about answering the question “is this patient receiving the right treatment at the right time for the best possible outcome? ”


What can be done?

The key gap in wound care seems to be availability of robust wound informatics to monitor, document and report wound outcomes at a patient and patient-population level.

Accurate wound measurement, photographs and data sharing across the health economy allows for more objective management, holistic treatments, swifter interventions when regimens are ineffective and clearer visibility of the use of overstretched resources.   This would also mean that the cost of time invested can be evaluated, as each wound care action and outcome is recorded, and the whole system becomes fully accountable.

Digital solutions for wound assessment are now emerging to enable capture of wound outcomes data to support improved clinical management of patients. The NHS has an opportunity to upgrade it’s approach to delivering accountable, cost-effective care to patients who deserve optimal outcomes when suffering with chronic, complex or acute wounds.

  Download Silhouette Prospectus 

  Visit Silhouette website 

  Get in touch


[1] Health economic burden that wounds impose on the National Health Service in the UK: Guest JF, et al BMJ Open 2015:5:e009283. Doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009283

[2] Royal College of Physicians 2013.  Action on obesity: Comprehensive care for all Report of a working party January 2013

[3] The burden of chronic wounds in the UK: Posnett et al Nurs Times 2008:104:44-5


[5] Oxfordshire County Council’s research into preventing care home admissions and subsequent service redesign: Taylor et al; Research, Policy and Planning (2010) 28(2), 91-102

© Entec Health March 2016

Entec Health shortlisted for MedilinkWM Award


Medilink West Midlands has announced Entec Health as a shortlisted candidate for Partnership with NHS, in its Medical and Healthcare Business Awards 2015. The Awards event will take place at Malmaison Birmingham on 14 January 2016 and is set to start the year with a great flourish for the ventures which will be celebrated for their expertise, commitment and success.

"I am delighted that Entec Health's collaboration with the NHS to support best practice in wound care for the benefit of patients has been recognised by the panel", said Achala Patel, Founder and Managing Director of Entec Health.  

Over the past 4 years, Entec Health has developed strong engagement with a wide range of NHS Trusts to explore a new evidence-based approach in wound management practice, enabled by digital technology. 

Currently there is unacceptable variability in the standard of chronic wound care practice and outcomes achieved across the NHS nationally (1). Wound Care provision for patients with chronic wounds has a high cost to the NHS, estimated at £3billion per annum. (2,3).

Entec Health has an active NHS partnering programme which involves informing and engaging NHS stakeholders on the advantages of adopting digital wound assessment and wound informatics to address this “clinical excellence and cost-effectiveness gap” in wound management. The Silhouette system (ARANZ Medical) helps clinicians to capture, document and share digital wound images and objective, quantified wound healing data across a care pathway to support improved clinical practice, patient experience and service transformation. 

Entec Health is collaborating with innovator clinical champions and NHS Trusts to embed Silhouette as an enabler technology for evidence-based care and open up opportunities to improve the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of managing patients with chronic and acute wounds. 

The Partnership with NHS Award category is sponsored by West Midlands AHSN. You can find further details via the link.

Book a Silhouette demonstration and discussion meeting with Entec Health:

Contact Us

Download the Silhouette Prospectus to learn more:

Download Silhouette Prospectus 

 Download Electronic Data Capture for Wound Care paper:

See Electronic Data Capture Devices for Wound Care article

Download Silhouette King's Diabetes Foot Care Case Study:

Download KCH Early Adopter Case Study



  1. The need for EU standards in wound care: an Irish survey. Moore Z, Cowan S. (2005).
  2. Wounds UK, 1(1): 20-8.The Smith and Nephew Foundation: Skin Breakdown – The Silent Epidemic. Posnett J, Franks P.J. (2007). The cost of skin breakdown and ulceration in the UK. Smith and Nephew Foundation, Hull.
  3. The resource costs of wound care in Bradford and Airedale primary care trust in the UK. Vowden K, Vowden P, Posnett J. (2009). Journal of Wound Care; 18: 93- 102.
  4. The use of electronic data capture devices in wound care settings. J.Fletcher, Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 4
  5. Going Digital, case study of early adopter experience with Silhouette, Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Diabetic Foot Clinic, London, UK. M.Bates, March 2013, Online Case Study Publication, NHS High Impact Innovations Showcase.

Beyond EPR - digital technology for clinical improvement and innovation

Clinical System to support wound care pathways - SilhouetteConnect wound assessment and wound healing progress chart and data screen*

Beyond EPR - A need for IT Investment in Clinical Systems, Informatics and Applications 
After over a decade of focus, investment and a tough journey in implementing EPR and EMR systems (electronic patient record/electronic medical record systems), there is an understanding that EPR systems are not a universal, all singing/all dancing solution to meet all the digital needs of the NHS. There is a new emphasis in the air that serious consideration should be given to front-line technology that can help deliver excellence in clinical care combined with optimising clinical productivity and efficiency. That means Healthcare Providers identifying and adopting clinical systems and applications which address specialist clinical areas with sufficient depth of functionality to be of meaningful use and value.
Five Year Forward View - digital health technology is key to service transformation
At a recent Technology Forum hosted by Health Service Journal (HSJ) in London, HSJ experts and key note speakers highlighted some key themes on the Department of Health's technology strategy to support the Five Year Forward View: 

1) DH will be looking for NHS Provider Trusts to invest in digital technology that improves clinical quality, productivity and efficiency.   

2) NHS Trusts will be required to seize opportunities to adopt technology that supports new models of care that respond to needs of patients, improve service access and optimise service cost-effectiveness.

3) CCGs will be developing digital roadmaps and reviewing digital maturity index of Provider Trusts to support service transformation, capacity planning and capability building from 2016 onwards.
Digital wound assessment system to support clinical improvement and innovation in chronic wound care pathways  
It is reported that the NHS currently spends £3 billion on provision of wound care services for patients with chronic wounds (Posnett 2007). There is a significant opportunity in the NHS to improve clinical management of patients with chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, leg ulcers, and pressure ulcers to optimise patient outcomes and cost-effectiveness (Vowden 2009, Moore 2005). Silhouette is an innovative digital wound assessment and information management system which can support technology-enabled clinical transformation in wound care pathways to support delivery of the Five Year Forward View:
i) Enhances clinical productivity, effectiveness and efficiency  - Silhouette automates wound assessment tasks and produces objective digital wound progress data to enable evidence-based, standardised wound assessment practice and treatment planning,  with time saved in data capture and data sharing.
ii) Enables new models of care and service delivery - Silhouette supports integrated care pathways and teleconsultation models of care. Silhouette data is managed on secure, web-enabled database hosted on NHS/Client server. The care team can access Silhouette digital wound information remotely along care pathway - saving time, supporting integrated care, increasing reach of specialist HCPs, reducing hospital visits, increasing capability to care for patients with chronic/complex wounds in community. 
iii) Supports Strategic Digital Transformation - CCGs are expected to respond well to Provider Trusts going forward with Silhouette investment - Silhouette is a proven solution involving low risk implementation and moderate price point tech investment with capability to deliver tangible benefits for staff productivity, patient experience/outcomes and potential financial savings within short time-frame.  
Find out more:
Download Silhouette Prospectus 
See Wounds UK Paper on Electronic data capture for wound care
Visit Silhouette for clinical practice:
Visit Silhouette website 
Contact Entec Health to arrange a Silhouette demonstration meeting:
Contact Us
*SilhouetteConnect screen image reproduced by kind permission of King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust