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Hounslow and Richmond Trust wins JCN Award for adopting the Wound Care Buddy App

The Journal of Community Nursing (JCN) has announced Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust (HRCH) as winners in Outstanding Practice in Wound Care for successful implementation of the Wound Care Buddy App for their district nurses. This follows a successful collaboration between HRCH and Entec Health Limited, the company behind the Wound Care Buddy App. 

 Watch the Wound Care Buddy App virtual tour here

The Wound Care Buddy App enables healthcare professionals to access their organisation’s wound management guidelines and formulary product listing, on mobile devices at the point of care, to support standardised care and best practice.

Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust has become the first organisation in the NHS to adopt the Wound Care Buddy App as a part of their commitment to enabling their nurses to deliver the best patient care possible. The Wound Care Buddy App has been very well received at the Trust. There has been positive impact for the Tissue Viability Nursing (TVN) team and District Nurses, helping staff to access essential information rapidly when needed and to use their time more effectively. Previously, if district nurses required specialist information at the point of care, they would have to contact a Tissue Viability Nurse (TVN) over the phone, which proved to be an ineffective method, as in some cases the TVN nurses may have called back after district nurses had left the patient's home.


"The TVN team is now receiving fewer calls about basic wound care advice as district nurses can find the information when needed"
Lillah Irwin, Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse - Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust


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Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust team from left, Yomi Ogunsola, Amritpal Mangat, Lillah Irwin

and Entec Health Managing Director, Achala Patel

The team at HRCH are extremely passionate about digital health care and are continuously seeking innovative systems to support their tissue viability service and district nurses in delivering the best care possible.This prestigious JCN Award for Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust recognises the Trust’s ability to innovate how their staff deliver excellence in wound care.The HRCH management team has also found the anonymised analytics generated by the Wound Care Buddy App very useful in tracking uptake of the App and user visits per screen. This has given HRCH invaluable insights on the information that their district nurses are seeking out to support patient care. 


"Analytics such as users per month and screen views is helping us understand what information is regularly being accessed and demonstrating active use of the Trust's Wound Management Formulary"

Yomi Ogunsola, Adult Community Services Manager - Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust


Screen Shot 2018-04-16 at 15.14.46Example: Anonymised User Analytics displaying screen views and users per month, giving NHS Trusts an insight on what information is being accessed on the Wound Care Buddy App


“The Wound Care Buddy App was developed with the support of leading, expert UK practitioners. I am proud to see Entec Health launching this solution and making an impact by empowering nurses with more  confidence and independence to follow Trust wound management guidelines and formulary policy. ” 

Achala Patel, Managing Director - Entec Health

To download the Wound Care Buddy App Brochure please click here

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