For more information contact Entec Health Sales on +44 (0) 7917 007859


NUHT technology enabled diabetes foot ulcer multidisciplinary clinic (2019-2024)

EWMA 2024 Conference Presentation, London, May 2024



Download EWMA 2024_NUHT_Technology Enabled Diabetes Foot Ulcer Multidisciplinary Clinic (2019-2024)

©  Dr Kamal Chokkalingam, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (May 2024).

Background - opportunities for improvement
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust has a well-established, multidisciplinary diabetes foot team (MDFT) service, led by Dr Kamal Chokkalingam, Consultant Endocrinologist. The service was running well but there was recognition that a number of improvements could be made to develop a more optimised and sustainable model of care. The key areas to address were a high caseload (5500-6000 patient episodes/year) and information overload (mixed digital and paper records). There were potential risks to manage, such as discontinuity of care, clinical inertia, recall bias, lack of real-time monitoring, unclear wound care oversight and high administrative burden from complex workflows. 
Solution - technology enabled digital ulcer assessment and patient management 
A new model of patient management was conceived and executed to make improvements, deploying a digital wound assessment and data management solution (Silhouette, ARANZ Medical).  The new approach uses a web-based application hosted on Trust servers, with point of care ulcer imaging devices. The solution enables automated, digital 2D/3D imaging, ulcer measurement, reporting and data sharing. Configured to create user-friendly workflows with visualised data on ulcer outcomes, the solution integrates with the hospital systems, is accessible from any Trust computer and complies with NHS data security standards.

Results - key impacts demonstrated with the new MDFT model  
    • Seismic shift from data gathering to data interpretation
    • Improved consultation experience for patients and health care professionals
    • Digital and almost paperless clinic is now a key asset of the service
    • Administrative cost savings
    • Improved 12-week healing rates for multiple ulcers
Learn more 

EWMA 2024_NUHT_Technology Enabled Diabetes Foot Ulcer Multidisciplinary Clinic (2019-2024)
Dr Kamal Chokkalingham, May 2024

Download EWMA2024_NUHT_Technology Enabled Diabetes Foot Ulcer Multidisciplinary Clinic

Visit Entec Health website

Email Entec Health Sales to discuss your requirements for digital technologies for wound care transformation.







Digital transformation of a diabetes foot service, South Derbyshire

SAWC 2020 Virtual July 2020


SAWC Digital Transoformation Poster PDF cover page

Download SAWC 2020 VIRTUAL e-Poster (A4 PDF format) 

© Professor Frances Game (primary author), Doreen Bunting, Dara Coppel, Achala Patel (July 2020).

South Derbyshire has a well-established, integrated multidisciplinary diabetes foot team (MDFT) service. The service was facing increasing pressures from growing demand and challenges with capacity, both factors significantly affecting patient experience and service access. There were a number of barriers to increasing outpatient capacity due to availability of health care professionals, clinical space and the high costs associated with this type of service expansion.
A new model of care has been developed to release capacity in acute clinics and support care closer to home for patients. A digital wound imaging and data management system (Silhouette, ARANZ Medical) has been deployed as a technology enabler to support digital transformation of the integrated MDFT service. Patients can now be seen in community clinics, led by Podiatrists, close to the patient’s home. Escalation and de-escalation of care is facilitated with remote access to real time diabetes foot ulcer assessment data.

The results and key learnings are discussed, higlighting: 
    • Improved communication across the pathway to support improvements in patient care and experience
    • Successful transition of MDFT care from hospital out-patient care to community clinics, closer to patient's home
    • Reduced cost of service delivery based on tariff costs differentials between acute and community 
    • Improved patient satisfaction on time to be seen and confidence in care
    • Maintenance of clinical quality and outcomes
Learn more 

Digital Transformation of a Multidisciplinary Diabetes Foot Service in South Derbyshire, UK
Game, Bunting, Coppel, & Patel, 2020

Download SAWC 2020 VIRTUAL Poster (A4 PDF format)

Visit Entec Health website

Contact Entec Health on 07917 007859 to discuss your requirements for digital technologies for wound care transformation.







Watch Entec Health 2018 Highlights

The team at Entec Health has enjoyed a fantastic year, working together with our customers and partners. As many of you will know, Entec Health supports wound care transformation with a proven portfolio of enabling technologies. The offering includes the Silhouette wound assessment solution and the Wound Care Buddy App. As a team we have achieved some incredible milestones, with a shared mission to enable health innovation and ultimately, to help improve patient experience and patient care outcomes. 

Thank you to all our clients and partners who have made this success possible during 2018. Hope you enjoy watching the 2018 highlights from an amazing year captured in our short review video. 


Watch Entec Health 2018 Highlights here

It has been very rewarding to collaborate with pioneering and committed leaders and teams in the NHS, AHSNs and the wider healthcare community. We have shown that, together, we can develop and deliver new practices and new models of care in diabetes foot care and wound care to support sustainable healthcare services and improved patient experience.

Visit Diabetes Foot Care, Chronic Wound Management, Wound Formulary Management on our website to learn more.

Are you a healthcare innovator with a similar vision for the future? We are here to learn together and collaborate. Please drop us a line at to discuss your future plans for diabetes foot care, tissue viability and community nursing service development.

We look forward to working with our clients and partners in 2019 for more success in digitally-enabled health innovation.

Wishing you a Prosperous, Happy and Healthy New Year for 2019.

Best wishes from all the team at Entec Health



Insights, Innovation and Inspiration at Wounds UK 2018 Harrogate Conference, 5-7 November



New WCB hand image-2


New from Entec Health, supported by Wounds UK


Wound Care is seeing a major shift towards a greater focus on outcomes and evidence-based practice to reduce variation in care and enhance patient experience.  

There is recognition that we have come a long way on our journey in managing patients with wounds. However, the recent study by Guest et al “Health economic burden that wounds impose”, Betty’s Story from NHS RightCare and the CQUIN for wound assessment indicate that we have a big opportunity to further advance what can be achieved.

The challenges are there too in delivering safe, effective patient care. Growing demand from an increasing elderly population, financial constraints, not enough hours in the day, staff shortages and keeping up with training are everyday pressures.

This year’s Wounds UK Conference theme is Data, Science and Practice, a very timely and apt focus on data-led, evidence-based practice. Wounds UK Harrogate is a perfect place to take a step back and seek out insights, innovation and inspiration on improving practice and patient care. 

Entec Health will be at Wounds UK Harrogate, 5-7 November 2018, to be part of this mission, to help with new ways of working to achieve success with better practice and better outcomes.

Entec Health invites you to join the team at Stand 73 to learn more about our innovative digital technologies for wound care transformation:

The Wound Care Buddy App, supported by Wounds UK, makes best practice and formulary compliance easy. The digital solution gives clinicians instant access to the Trust’s wound management guidelines and recommended formulary products. Available on iOS and Android mobile devices at the point of care.

The Silhouette digital wound assessment system, developed by ARANZ Medical, makes it possible to image, measure and chart wound healing progress at the point of care. The digital solution gives clinicians secure, remote access to wound status data to support integrated care and new models of care.

3 ways to discover more…

1/ Find us at stand 73 at Wounds UK Harrogate. Book a Digital Technologies for Wound Care demo meeting with Entec Health 

2/ Learn more on the successful implementation of the Wound Care Buddy App at Hounslow and Richmond Community NHS Trust here. 

3/ Check out our videos on innovative healthcare technologies for wound care

Look forward to seeing you at Wounds UK Harrogate 2018.

Best wishes,

Entec Health Team


Wound Care Buddy App © Entec Health Limited April 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Introducing the New Generation of Silhouette digital wound assessment solutions

Entec Health is excited to present the New Generation of Silhouette, featuring SilhouetteStar2, SilhouetteLite+ and SilhouetteLite. The new Silhouette suite enables wound care specialists to assess patient wound outcomes in a range of care settings using digital wound imaging with the option of 3D or 2D wound measurement.

The wound data collected by the Silhouette devices is synchronised with a centrally hosted database, SilhouetteCentral. SilhouetteCentral is a web-based application and can be accessed remotely when a secure network connection is available. The point of care wound assessment device options include the SilhouetteStar2 3D measurement wireless camera, SilhouetteLite+ Application and 2D measurement Sensor for iPad/iPhone and the SilhouetteLite App for iOS devices.


Watch the Silhouette New Generation Suite video to learn more 


Silhouette New Generation overview video

To learn more, head to our Silhouette New Generation webpage to watch our video demonstrations

The Silhouette solution offers the following benefits to NHS Trusts and other healthcare providers: 

  • Fast, easy, objective wound assessment at the point of care
  • Supports outcomes-led practice for integrated, multi-disciplinary care of patients
  • Enables organisations to empower and equip clinicians to achieve improvements in wound outcomes, safety, patient experience and cost effectiveness
Email us at to book a call to discuss your wound care service development plans and how we can help. 

Silhouette is a registered trademark of ARANZ Healthcare Limited

Entec Health and collaboration partners finalists for HSJ Partnership Awards 2018


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The Diabetes Foot Care Innovation team at The HSJ Partnership Awards Night, London, 8 March 2018

The Health Service Journal (HSJ) has announced Entec Health and its collaboration partners as finalists for the best innovation in medical technology category. This recognition is for the novel 3D digital wound assessment technology, Silhouette®, which is enabling effective care of patients with diabetes foot ulceration within acute and community settings.

The Silhouette 3D measurement technology accurately maps ulcer size, progress and response to treatment. The system allows accurate assessment of foot ulcers at the point of care, together with remote access to progress data in real time for all members of the care team.

The significant milestone of being recognised as finalists, comes after successful adoption of Silhouette by Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts and Derbyshire Community Healthcare Services NHS Trust, where staff and patient feedback has been extremely positive. 

The initiative has been funded and supported by East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN).

Silhouette has enabled care closer to home for the Southern Derbyshire integrated diabetes foot care pathway. Being seen in the community means reducing the number of outpatient appointments taking place at the hospital out-patient clinic; freeing up time for patients and making it easier to attend appointments.

“I am delighted for Entec Health to be a finalist for the 2018 HSJ Partnership Awards. This is welcome recognition for the tremendous collaboration with our NHS partners,  a Diabetes Innovation project supported by EMAHSN. Congratulations and well done to the team for developing and launching a new model of diabetes foot care in Southern Derbyshire, enabled by Silhouette. Great to see everyone’s effort and commitment to go the extra mile acknowledged.” Achala Patel, Managing Director, Entec Health

You can see more on the project and Silhouette technology in this BBC East Midlands Today news report:

 Screen Shot 2018-03-27 at 14.33.04.pngSilhouette on the news © BBC East Midlands Today

As a result of implementing the Silhouette system, we have been able to safely transfer an increasing portion of patients for treatment in community clinics and have improved waiting times in our out-patient clinic. Importantly, patients are happy with the new model of care. In a survey following introduction of digital ulcer assessment, 71% of patients reported a greater confidence in the care they had received. We are using the Silhouette system to generate automated reports for the GPs which has led to efficiencies and a significant reduction in administration burden for the clinic.”

Professor Fran Game, Consultant Diabetologist, Clinical Director R&D, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Download the EMAHSN Impact Report here

Contact to request the EMAHSN Diabetes Foot Digital Solution Business Case.

­­­With 6,000 patients with diabetes needing leg, foot or toe amputations per year, the total NHS spend on ulceration/ amputation is an estimated £651 million, in England. It is widely reported amputation and ulceration can be avoided if proper care is taken at an early stage. NDFA Exec Report 2014 - 2016, published March 2017 

Mike Hannay, Managing Director of the EMAHSN, said: “We are delighted that the partnership with Entec Health Ltd has been recognised at national level for its innovative use of technology to improve care for patients in our region. The Silhouette project is a fantastic demonstration of moving care out of hospital and closer to home which is both welcomed by patients and more sustainable for the NHS.”

Entec Health is an appointed distributor and market partner for Silhouette in the UK. Silhouette is developed and manufactured by ARANZ Medical Limited. Find out more about the projects and further impacts here.

EMAHSN Diabetes Digital Solution Collaboration Partners

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Contact Entec Health to request a Demonstration


Top 10 attributes for Health Innovation

Health Innovation - key to a sustainable future

Health Innovation is vital to every healthcare system in the world. Health Innovation can be defined as a pro-active, patient-centric response to delivering “fit for purpose” healthcare services in an ever changing landscape. In a “fit for purpose” healthcare service - patients, payers, commissioners and relevant stakeholders - are assured of excellence in patient outcomes and a health service which is equitable, value for money, appropriate to socio-economic demands and sustainable.

Health Innovation - enabled by technology

Health Innovation is a key strategic goal for the devolved UK nations. Health Innovation, enabled with  empowering digital technologies, is considered a critical catalyst to accelerating delivery of the NHS Five Year Forward View.

See NHS 5YFV Exec Summary

Entec Health is in the business of partnering with the NHS and Qualified Healthcare Providers to deliver Health Innovation, enabled by technology and transformation solutions. Our key areas of focus are health innovation in wound management, long term conditions, self-management and health informatics for better health outcomes. Learn more about us:

See Entec Health home page

 Top 10 Attributes for Health Innovation - enabled by technology

Entec Health has built a body of field experience and knowledge in facilitating Health Innovation, involving engagement of over 400 stakeholders in 80+ NHS entities. This experience has been largely gained in introducing the Silhouette digital wound assessment and information system (ARANZ Medical) to the UK for transformation of Tissue Viability services and Diabetes Foot services in the NHS. We believe the insights and learning shared here may be of value across a range of healthcare services. Based on this experience, Entec Health has identified the 10 key attributes of successful transformation teams in driving forward Technology-enabled Health Innovation in the UK environment.

Health Innovation Index - facilitating success for transformation teams

The Health Innovation Index (HII) is Entec Health's home-grown qualitative tool, based on these 10 Key Attributes for Health Innovation. The HII is a simple, observational approach for checking if the right conditions for health innovation exist already or if there is some way to go before the transformation team can move forward. 

A score from 1 to 10 is assigned for each of the HII Key Attributes based on what is in evidence in the environment that the transformation team is operating in, with 1 = low, 10 = high.

Similar to a Human Resources appraisal, the attributes are assessed based on finding tangible examples of the attribute which can be observed as behaviours, actions and results.

A perfect HII score would mean a transformation team scoring 10 out of 10 for all 10 attributes = 100 points. Using the HII tool, we can support our clients to prepare for success by leveraging strengths and addressing gaps, to ensure that the conditions for Health Innovation enabled by technology, are very favourable for the transformation team. Collaboration for success. 

Health Innovation Index (HII) © Entec Health November 2015

Discover Silhouette - Wound Care ServiceTransformation 

Are you looking for innovative ways to improve clinical effectiveness, efficiency, service access and patient experience for your wound care service? Discover how the Silhouette digital wound assessment and information management system can help.

Download Silhouette Prospectus 

Get in touch - share your vision and goals for Health Innovation

We would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact us for an exploratory discussion.

Contact Us

Health Innovation Index (HII) © Entec Health November 2015